Boost Your Sales At Craft Shows
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After many years of selling our handmade goods at a wide range of craft shows, we share our success secrets and insight in this book. We impart information to help you boost your sales at craft shows, whatever size, type or location you choose. Like so many people starting out, we made many mistakes, resulting in a lack of sales, but after studying the market, understanding the psychology of selling and customer buying patterns, we started to apply sales techniques to our approach and saw increased and consistent sales. We now teach, coach and mentor a wide range of businesses, including handmade business owners to gain sales and grow their ventures.
Areas covered in the book include:
Craft Show Etiquette
Preparing to Sell
Appealing to Customers
Creating Your Displays
Perfecting Your Selling Skills
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Signed copies available upon request.
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Only £10.95 plus £2.95 p&p
Angela Edwards
Click Here to order your copy today.
Only £10.95 plus £2.95 p&p